JG Boudoir

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Say goodbye to your Insecurities

Helping my clients feel confident has always been my primary focus with what I do. My conduit for helping women get this boost, as many of you reading this already know, is via a boudoir photoshoot.

One of my very favorite parts of my job is getting to hear about all the ways my clients confidence boost has changed their lives.

I realize that the above might sound cliche or like over the top marketing jargon or something. So with that in mind, and to show that I mean what I say, I'd like to share with you what Mrs. S recently said about her boudoir experience.

In Her Words

Get ready to say goodbye to all of your insecurities because by the time you’re through with your shoot, they’ll be long gone! The way Jason posed my body into and out of the light, I quickly realized I was in good hands and after he shared a few shots with me, my butterflies disappeared. As the day went on, his photos made me even more confident. I highly recommend a boudoir session with Jason - you’ll finally see yourself as beautiful as everyone else does!

Seeing Herself in a New Light

At her reveal, Mrs. S was telling me how her experience had helped her change her perception of herself. I’ve heard many of my clients say things like this, but then she gave me a specific example I’ll never forget.

I walked out out of my house in public for the first time in years wearing shorts!

This comment floored me when I heard it. My knee jerk reaction to what she said was why wouldn't a gorgeous woman like you walk out in public with shorts on? I almost couldn't even comprehend what she was saying at first.

This exchange was is a prime example of the difference between how I saw Mrs. S vs the way she viewed herself. In the simplest terms all I try to do with every session I produce is to show you what I see when I look at you. Showing you what I see when I look at you is often all you’ll need to begin seeing yourself in a new light.

At one point during her reveal, Mrs. S even told me she felt it was stupid that it even had to come to doing something like this to boost her self esteem. I remember her asking out loud:

“Why couldn't I just see it for myself when I looked in the mirror? “

For whatever reason, she couldn't, but I love that her final images were able to show her what she couldn't see before. Being able to change a person's perception of themselves is by far my favorite part of my job :-)

She lost 20 lbs for her session!

The idea that you need to loose weight before a session is one of the most common ways I consistently see women talk themselves out of a session. I stopped taking women seriously about this unless they do what Mrs. S did and book a date with a goal in mind. I've advocated for years to do exactly like she did and set a deadline for yourself. This simple little hack gives you focus and keeps you accountable from procrastinating your session for that mythical “one day.”

In Mrs. S’s case she set a super reasonable goal date of 4 months for herself and ended up loosing 20lb before her session. If you can believe it, she was STILL crazy nervous even with how amazing her body looks after all her hard work! High freaking five girl! Kudos to you for following though with your session despite your insecurities!!!

The Evil Weed

When I walked in to Mrs. S’s house the morning of her shoot I noticed the distinct smell of the marijuanas. She's super nervous I thought to myself. I noted the fact that she's a fellow enthusiast and continued wandering around her house as I always do. Usually I wander around and note interesting things I can do when my client is ready for me. Anyway, come the end of her session I noticed she had a joint rolled for what I assumed would be her post photoshoot treat.

I told her I wanted to get some shots of her smoking; she was immediately on board.

Noticing a small patch of light coming through the window on the front door, I set up some game of thrones style light for her. I had to work fast as I knew that light would only be there for a few minutes at best. It took a few… Maybe more then a few tries, but I think we got it! It’s not a shot I typically do but I freaking love it!

Like this post? Here’s some other boudoir photoshoots you might like to check out!

See this gallery in the original post