There is No Such Thing as Photogenic

It is very interesting to me how many people in this world believe in the idea of photogenic. The way the word is used is very similar I've noticed to the way people use the word talent. It's almost as if people believe that you either have a natural aptitude to look amazing in photographs or you don't. When people vocalize to me that they wish they looked more photogenic in pictures I immediately want to get them in front of my camera and prove to them that there is no such thing as photogenic! 

Danielle's Boudoir Session

Understandably most of the boudoir sessions I photograph stay private for obvious reasons. Every once in a while however, I have a client that is brave enough to share her boudoir experience with others.

Wind Burn Composite Portrait BTS

This was my first experience collaborating with a model on Model Mayhem or any model for that matter. To be honest I'd heard some not so great experiences from both photographers and models regarding the site, but after this shoot with Bridget Rose, I'm pretty sure I'll be collaborating with a LOT more models in the days to come!